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About Us
Iran Khodro Industrial Molds Company was created by the private sector in 1365, on a land of 55,000 meters called “Kalbiran” and was purchased by Iran Khodro Company in 1375 and officially started working. Currently, with the implementation of development plans, this company has been operating as the largest mold making company in the Middle East and one of the largest producers of press parts and car assemblies in the country with a capacity of 14 million pieces and 1500 tons of molds and gauge panels per year.

This collection has the ability to make all kinds of foam models in two-dimensional (piece of porcelain) and one-step methods with the help of one-to-one maps and using CNC and NC foam lathe machines.
Design, CAD/CAM
Having experienced engineers and experts and during specialized courses, this unit is now able to design all car body parts without any technical and software limitations.